Creando Enrollment Policies
Tuition & Refund Policy:
In order to reduce the possibility of exposure to Covid-19, we are greatly reducing the number of students enrolled in these classes so that there is a small group of student who will be in the building each week. By enrolling my student in this class, I am acknowledging that I am taking one of these limited spots and am fully responsible and liable for tuition for the entire semester. I am also agreeing to pay the full tuition amount for all of the classes registered for the entire semester regardless of attendance.
Preschool Application & Waitlist:
Our licensed preschool on Monroe St. is year-round program and we manage one general wait list for all openings. You will be notified if we anticipate an opening which corresponds to your preferred start date and age of child. If we do not have any openings at the time of inquiry, you may choose to add your name to our general wait-list to be notified of any upcoming openings. There is a $50 application fee and your name will be kept on our waiting list for one year.
*Custom schedules are limited and based on availability. If you are enrolling for a start date more than 60 days in the future, you will automatically be put on a waiting list and your spot in the program will not be guaranteed. Creando will give preference to students enrolling for a full time option. If you are on the waitlist for part-time care and another student wishes to enroll for full time (5 days per week) care you will be given the option to choose full time care for your student or your spot in the program could be taken.
COVID19 Policies: (All Employees, Students & Families will continue to be required to wear masks at all times until a vaccine is available to all age groups.)
Creando and their staff have implemented policies and safety measures to help reduce the spread of Covid-19 and have agreed to abide by the rules and requirement at all times including the required use of face masks when mandated by local health departments and subjecting my child to temperature screening. These policies and safety procedures are likely to change throughout the semester, so Creando will continue to post any updates as they happened.
Families will have to agree to abide by all state and local mandates such as practicing social distancing, wearing a face covering while in public, and avoiding large crowds to reduce our exposure to Covid-19 and helping to not bring it to Creando.
Regardless of the policies in place there is still a chance that my child or other family member could contract Covid-19 as a result of attending these classes. In the event that my child, myself, or any other family members becomes infected with Covid-19 as a result of attending classes at Creando Families must agree to hold Creando harmless and free from any liability. Exposure to Covid-19 is a risk and families must be aware of and agreeing to take as part of enrolling my child in these classes.